
My poor little blog has undergone dozens of changes within the last hour. I quite possibly "tried on" 35 or more backgrounds. I'm just about as indecisive as they come when it comes to things like this! It is nearly impossible to decide on what super cute background to use, like trying to decide on which must-have shirt to buy or fantasize of buying.

Ah, choices. I find myself making more of them that feel huge, but in actuality are, well, not. But the excitement of making these choices isn't lost on the size of them. This year I hope to accomplish something extraordinary, I'm not sure what - so I'm open to suggestions! - but something that helps capture that feeling that life couldn't be any better than what it is. I am thrilled that I have begun to journal again - albeit online, far from the hidden book in my desk drawer - but I think this one choice may be what holds me to taking more chances in the rest of my life. Here's to seeing what happens!


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